Ferroanel: Preliminary Bottleneck Identification Study

Mapping, reviewing and diagnosing major bottlenecks in the rail freight transportation industry in the State of São Paulo Reviewing the impacts and the effects of the Ferroanel Project

  • Diagnosis of the situation, involving the definition of the area of influence, zoning and demand characterization
  • Setting up the simulation network, and determination of operational times and costs of each mode
  • Identification of products with rail characteristics
  • Characterization of productive chains, quantifying production levels, consumption, importation and exportation through the building of origin-destination matrices
  • Modeling the modal choice: model definition and quantification of potential demand for rail
  • Demand projection: definition of scenarios and quantification of potential future demand for rail
  • Analysis of the Ferroanel project, involving basic and operational design, demand, environmental, institutional and economic/financial studies